Envix Asia is an environmental consulting company who can provide the One Stop Service: OSS by a dedicated team of experts from Japan and Thailand for your projects in soil & groundwater survey. OSS, we provide the advisory to prepare a report starting from to assess the groundwater flow, to install the groundwater monitoring wells, to sampling soil and groundwater, including to analyze soil samples and groundwater samples in the laboratories. In the cases of contaminated in soil or groundwater was found, we can recommend and/or prepare for soil remediation or groundwater remediation for your specific areas. Following the Japanese standard or the global standard including Thai regulation which just releases in Thailand as a professional one.
As environmental awareness and concerns rise, laws and regulations concerning soil and groundwater contamination have been developed in emerging countries. On 29 April 2016, Ministry of Industry, Gov. of Thailand, published “Ministerial Regulation on Soil and Groundwater Contamination Control in Factory Area, B.E. 2559 (2016) ”. Accordingly, factories of 12 target categories need to make a groundwater survey every year and soil survey every 3 years. The target factories are required to submit a report based on the Annex 3 format attached to the Ministry of Industry Notification on Contamination limit, Inspection Criteria and Monitoring Report of Soil and Groundwater within Factory area, B.E. 2559 (2016).

Ministerial Regulation& Notification on Soil and Groundwater Contamination Control in Factory Area and the Rules of Department
Please confirm your businesses if your factories in Thailand including in these 12 business Types;
What to do?
Target factories are required;
- To make a survey of soil and groundwater contamination.
- To submit a report to the provincial office of industry.
In case the factory find out the contamination, the factory is required;
- To develop a countermeasure proposal and submit to the provincial office of industry.
Our Services
EnviX Asia supports target factories by providing soil survey and consulting service. Our companies has experienced Japanese and Thai experts in the field of soil & groundwater contamination survey and remediation. Taking into consideration Japanese and international soil and groundwater standards and regulations, our expertise can support industries to comply with new requirements in Thailand.
Step 1 : Study about Overview of the Factory
In the Step I, Study about Overview of the Factory, our team conducts documents review, interview, site visit and other activities based on the needs of clients to understand potential contamination. In case there is no potential contamination, the factory might be exempted from the duty of the regulation.
Step 2 : Planning of Soil and Groundwater Survey
In case exemption cannot be applied to the factory, soil and groundwater survey plan is developed as a Step 2. Followings will be included in the survey planning.
- Proposal of sampling point (s) for Soil
- Proposal for the location(s) of monitoring well instalment
- Identification of chemicals analyzed and calculation of contamination limit

Annex 3 Format

Ground water flow direction
Step 3 : Implementation of the Survey
Following to the Planning of Soil and Groundwater Survey (Step 2), the survey will be carried out as a Step 3. The survey includes followings.
- Instalment of monitoring well
- Collection of samples eg. soil sample, groundwater sample
- Analysis of the samples
- Reporting of the results
Step 4: Planning of Mitigation and Remediation
In case contamination was found at Step 3, contamination mitigation and remediation plan shall be submitted to the Provincial Office of Industry. Followings will be included as a Step 4.
- Development of Mitigation and Remediation Plan
- Implementation of the Plan
There are various types of soil and groundwater countermeasures. The most appropriate method is determined by taking account of variety of aspects, including costs (initial investment and operational costs), future use of the land, properties of soil, characteristics of contaminants and contamination levels.