Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of Petrochemical Plant

Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate, Rayong, is one of the largest petrochemical complex in the world. At the same time, Map Ta Phut area is one of the Thailand’s most toxic hot spots due to an industrial pollution. Following to complaints from environmental groups and local communities, Thai court ordered 76 industrial projects to temporarily suspend operations in 2009. The value of the 76 projects was estimated at 330 billion baht (9.8 billion USD).
EnviX Asia conducted a phase 1 environmental site assessment for petrochemical plant owned by Thai state enterprise in Map Ta Phut, Rayong. Potential soil and groundwater contamination and impact to surrounding communities were examined. Total area of the site is more than 1 million square meter.
Environmental pollution in Map Ta Phut, Rayong, is one of the biggest concerns in Thailand. Our work supported a client to deepen understanding of potential environmental pollution and health impact in line with new regulations to control soil and groundwater contamination published in 2016
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